Placanica & Company Pty Ltd
Benefits of Fatal Risk Analysis
Whenever a work member engages in hazardous activity that can result in a fatality it is considered a fatal risk. Whenever fatal risks are present, a fatal risk analysis should be undertaken to help manage the risks of fatality and reduce incident investigations. In recent years, safety professionals have been seeing a rise in incident investigations and fatalities due to work-related injuries, especially in the transport, mining, minerals exploration, waste management, construction and energy industries, making risk analysis more important than ever. Instead of just prescribing controls for every hazard, activity and circumstance, safety professionals are also taking a risk-based approach by arming themselves with ways to foresee the future and address the hazards that can lead to serious injuries and fatalities.
A fatal risk analysis should be mandatory as it is one of the most important things you can do to eliminate the possibility of fatality whenever fatal risks are present. Not only are you taking the steps necessary to address hazards that can lead to a fatality, but you are also taking the precautionary steps to help save your business money and give your employees the opportunity to go home healthy.
If you are in need of a fatal risk analysis, contact Placanica & Company Pty Ltd. For over 20 years, we have been providing professional and specialist safety consultancy services to the mining, petroleum, transport, power generation and construction industries. We also offer ICAM incident investigation training as well.
Contact us to learn more.